5 Top Programming Languages For The Year 2022

Welcome to c0dingworld and here it's top 5 programming languages for the year 2020 even after that I have three bonus languages for you that you may look upon so let's get started and the first thing I want to tell you is how this list is curated so this list is based upon the Stack Overflow trend then the TIOBE index of programming languages and the popularity of programming languages website not only this I have also checked the future trend and the current market trends that means what value these languages may provide in the future and what whether they are providing currently also I have looked upon the salary structure of these languages so all in all all combination of these platforms and these trends this list is created

5 Top Programming Languages For The Year 2022

So let's not waste more time and quickly get back to the topfive list. We will Start from bottom to top (from 5 to 1).


the fifth one in the list is Java so why Java is at number five because of its difficult learning curve and there are not so many good developers in the marketand the demand of Java is very high so demand is high and the developers good developers are less so that's why the salary structure of Java developers is very nice, it is around $40,000 to $80,000 yearly for a good Java developer. Java is 20 year old language but still young it is extremely useful and it is the main basic language of creating the Android application this language is so so powerful that it is used by slack, google, uber, Airbnb and what next so this is very nice and that is why Java is never going to die. 

But there is a littledown in the Java industry because of having Kotlin in the terms of creating the Android apps. The android application also because offlutter and react-native kind of thinJS to create the Android applicationthe java is little down but again all these platforms like Kotlin flutterreact native compiled their codes to the base Java so okay if you have a great knowledge of Java you will go in to have this language for 2020-21.

#4 C and C++

let's move to number four which is C and C++. Although they are two different languages but because they are almost similar and C++ is a advanced form not advanced but improved form of C language. C C++ is very old but it never go old so if you want to start your programming career I highly recommend you to start with C and C++ because you will get to know how the memory is managed to how the programming work how the computer works and because of the proper memory management you can create a fast and efficient programs coming to the future trends and the gaming industry.

The big game complex games are written in C and C++ so 3d games which will be the nextboom in the gaming industry because gaming industry is as big as entertainment industry so 3d games will also require more and more C and C++ developers because of its efficient memory management and using the all resources offered devices. 

C in C++ is an ideal language for programming the IOTdevices you know the Python which is widely used for machine learning and artificial intelligence the most of the machine learning libraries of Python is also written in C and C++ so there is huge demand in the future. 

Currently as you know machine learning is big name and IOT is started so C and C++ developers are in demand again just like Java C and C++ learning curve is little difficult and that's the point there is less good developers and less good developers huge demand salary structure is again high. So the C and C++ telly lies between $50,000 to $80,000 , if you are going to start your programming career I highly recommend you to start with a C C++ because this will give you the in-depth knowledge of programming and if that's the most important point how the logics are created everything with C and C++ 


The third important language in the list is golang now why you need to learn :because Golang is very easy yeah it's very easy also gulang is very efficientand fast. Golang is created by developers at Google around 2012 because they want a language which is as easy as Python and as efficient and fast as C++ so they come up with a language called Golang and maybe go is because of cheapoof Google I don't know. 

Basically this language is created to solve the big infrastructure cloud platforms problems and that is the most important thing because the companies like Google, uber, Netflix uses Golang extensively and this is the reason you need to learn it. The ultimate future demand because it is mainly for devops thinJS to perform the cloud operations I personally consider devops the future because there are big data lots of cloud infrastructure networking soda pop engineers will be in the demand and golang is the main language and that is the point you need to learn this language is very very soon.

Golang is also considered as a language of the future because of its efficiency and easiness it may surpass Python for some cases again Python for some cases because Python is used in every kind of scenarios so you cannot replace by tonight every places but on the network kind of thinJS cool and will may replace with Python you know Google's Google native and the docker is written in golang so what do you want from him language which is easy as well as fast and coming up to the market trend and salary you know on Stack Overflow Golang was considered as the top pain language of 2019 and this trend may also be seen on 2020 also and the salary structure for bullanchors programmer will be around $80,000 and more and that is so cool so consider if you want to go higher in your career and if you want to dive into the future start with a golang it is a great language and going to boom in the future.



I love JAVASCRIPT. The second most important and top language in the list which is JavaScript and JavaScript is very very nice so the first question why we need to learn JavaScript actually this is not a question you must have knowledge of JavaScript initially people have a love and hate relationship with JavaScript but because javascript is rapidly evolving and with the use of es6 in text people are loving this language and this is one of the top languages of 2019 and you know you can create almost anything like if you want to create a desktop application electron J's is there 

if you want to create a web applications then react angular view JS, 

if you want to create a mobile application then react native is there 

if you want to handle the server then node JS is there i

f you want to create the browser plug-ins, yeah javascript can do that also and what not 

so javascript actually the heart of web 99% of website must have such JavaScript in one or any base coming to the future trend you know in virtual reality field react 360 is taking its place backed by this book and in machine learning and artificial intelligence to create a machine learning model we generally use the tensor flow but tensorflow JS is also there so in the coming future JavaScript is going to take every market in hand so just like virtual reality and machine learning there may be case that other fields will also adapt JavaScript as their primary languages. 

Coming to the current market trend and salary structure so currently javascript is loved by every company every industry so much in demand that every kind of developer whether he's react developer Android developer future developer or any kind of JavaScript related developer is having a good job in any market place and here is the point because of so much demand that you are going to get your very easily if you have a good knowledge o fJavaScript especially the JavaScript framework like react view and angular so you can get $40,000 to $80,000 as a salvage for JavaScript developer if you have a good knowledge.


the first and most important language and I think you know that it is Python. So let's talk about the Python which is at number one so why Python because it is in huge demand since it wa screated in 1991 by Guido van Rossum and you know he initially want to create a language that even children can easily understand so he had created a language called ABC but because of his love towards the bank called Monty Python he changed the name of that language and change it with Python so the language name is because of the band called point Monty Python and not because of the name of snake and you know Dropbox was mostly written in Python and Udo had worked with Dropbox because it is considered as the language of beginner it is very very very easy it is very easy and it snaps right everyone can easily grab this language you know Google was widely using item even YouTube was initially written in Python apart from Google, Coursera, Airbnb and many big and actually every big company is using Python not only the techcompanies but NASA has also used Python for the programs he written for its expenditures because of all these thin JS you can create and almost everything with Python starting from scripting, web development, dev op, machine learning, artificial intelligence Internet of Thinngs and everywhere you can find Python at every place because it is so easy aand widely used.

Coming to the future trend and demand because of its a huge library for machine learning and artificial intelligence this language Python is never going to die till one or two or three decades in my opinion and because it can used for web development the frame looks like django flasks are competing with other frameworks of other languages and actually django is now at the top of the creating websites so because it is having extensive library on these things with the future is very bright forPython developers and what I can say for current trend currently machine learningis booming and by without button you cannot think about machine learning. The salary structure off is around $40,000 $200,000 because of its extensive use in almost every places so I don't actually need to say anything for Python if you know a little bit about Python you know that how easy it is and how widely it is used in every market, every company, every industry so every programmer must have the knowledge of Python and if you are going to start your career start with Python because you will get to know everything on programming and you can create awesome thinngd with the extensive library and easiness of the Python.


three bonus languages so first one is flutter is young I know it is not a language it is SDK software development kit but flutter is so easy and the most sellable point of flutter is it's hot reloaded you know if you are creating and mobile application you need to build it and the build take lots of time like 30 second to one minute but with flutter as soon as you save the code the changes will reflect instantaneously that they call hot reload and because it is by Google it is going to be used in every where so with flutter you can create Android and iOS application with single code base and that is the most important thing because it is backed by Google Google is the sting off Android and Android application you will get to know everything related to Android and related to mobile application development the competitor of flutter is react native and yeah react native is very nice but flutter is not behind that they are equal so I like meant to start your mobile development carrier with flutter. 

the second programming language called scala a Scala is a short form of the scalable language so a Scala is some like something like a big brother of with Java but it is very nice because the hundred line of code of Java is reduced to 50 line of code of scala so much written reduction in the code and obviously if you need to write less code the code is manageable and efficient in the field of Hadoop spark Scala is a new language which you can grab easily if Scala is known for its concurrent programming that means youcan use some multi-core processor efficiently.

Last but not the least is PHP you will say why PHP this time no no no PHP is not dying actually PHP is now evolving rapidly with apps with every new release of PHP there is so much improvement that the PHP developer ah who is starting to loving this language initially the primary framework or primary thing which have taken the PHP alive was WordPress so WordPress is the king of PHP but there is an another thing which is called narrable so a lateral framework is just not a framework of PHP I considered level as a full-stack framework because you just not only create the server handling you can also get the knowledge of how you can create the front end line with the vue.js and reactive how you candeploy things like with apology the echo system of wherever is so wide that you will going to love PHP because 60% of the site all over the world is written in PHP so there is huge demand of PHP developers because of huge demand if you want to learn this language you will get jobs very very easily and because this is evolving language and people are getting into this very rapidly you will need to use this language for 2022.

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